Monday, July 9, 2012
NEW Posts Coming Soon!
We've missed this blog, so we're coming back! New photos of Riley and Dylan coming soon!! Enjoy our Fourth of July photo while you wait!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Captain and Drew.
Grandma and the Grandpugs
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Crazy Month
December has by far been the craziest month of my life. It started with me taking a day job and a night job to replace the non-existent income I had with the lay off of my previous job. So, I started the month by working a 8 am - 7 pm job 6 days a week and a 7 pm - 2 am job 4 nights a week. Throw in Dylan's emergency, a 48 hour stomach flu and the holidays and there you go...craziest month. So, I apologize for the lack of updates...especially after all that we've been through. We actually had no internet in our apartment for a few weeks and then on December 20th we flew to CA for a vacation with my family...which also left no time to go online. I want to thank everyone for their interest in Dilly. He is doing well...still having some trouble with his leg and showing a little bit of pain after days where he walks around too much. The vet said it will still take time for him to heal and continued bedrest is needed. But, he is so happy 99% of the time and is loving life. We took him to CA with us, as we do every year...only this time, Riley was the only one chasing the hose in my mom's backyard. We took the boys to dog beach, which was so fun...Dylan and Riley loved walking around and meeting Sarah, their new pug friend. Here are some pictures from the beach and vacation.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dylan is Home!
Yesterday evening we received a call from Dr. Kegge, the Chief Neurologist at the AMC, who had been updating me on Dylan throughout the day. As I mentioned yesterday, at 10 am Dr. Keege and her staff ruled out any neurological concerns. When she called me yesterday evening, she had followed Dylan around all day. She delivered him to the Orthopedic Surgeon and monitored him all day. She called me around 4 pm and told me that he would be able to come home soon. Ahhh, I was just so happy. To bring him back home late last night, was such a joyous experience...because in all honesty, Wednesday night we didn't know that we would be able to do this ever again.
To update you all on Dylan his spirits are GREAT...he's doing very very well. When the discharge attendant gave us his meds and instructions, he followed his last instruction with "Alright, I'll go get you guys your little Dylan." I started tearing up out of excitement to just see him. About a minute later, there he came, being carried by the attending veterinarian with a little green leash around his waist and a bandage on his front arm from where they had pulled out the catheter. I had assumed that Dylan would probably be very groggy and still sedated when we picked him I shouldn't expect his Dilly spirit to be back in full effect. I prepared for a very groggy puppy. But then, here came Dylan, with that little green leash and when he saw us...well, so much for being groggy. The little guy acted like he hadn't seen us in YEARS...he started crying, screaming out of excitement, and wiggling out of control for his Mommy. The vet said I could put him on the floor...and he was able to put weight on all four legs...he was smiling, panting and licking us as if we were the most delicious dog food there is. He was so so so happy. He was very hyper and seemed to be fine, but I'm sure the pain medication was helping him walk. We walked out of that AMC carrying him, he was just too excited to go into that Sherpa bag. We got a cab and headed home. Dylan was like a crazy little man in that cab...he's always been a licker, but he was doing whatever it took to lick my face. He was truly embracing us, and it really seemed like he hadn't seen us in years.
I got home and I made up the kitchen for the little guy. His leg got a little worse as we got home, as I'm assuming the pain medication was wearing off...but his spirits were strong...very strong. I put him in the kitchen and let him have a reunion with his brother...quite amazing to see! Then he walked around the kitchen, looked up at me and just started peeing...all over the kitchen floor. Poor little guy, it was like he hadn't gone at all over the past day. But, I told him it was okay...I could tell he felt so guilty as he looked up at me while letting it all out. I ended up making a bed in there so I could lay with him. My little family is back together again!
Last night I took apart my bed, because for the next 3 weeks Dylan cannot walk up a stair, jump, play with his brother, or run. I had stairs that Dilly used to use to jump up our bed, but the bed had to go. I threw out my box spring, frame, headboard and just put the mattress on the floor as it will stay. I surrounded my mattress with extra quilts...because even though it's only a foot off the bed, I don't want Dylan to have to jump up at all...the blankets provide a little ramp so he can just walk up on the bed.
Now, the not so great news...but not horrible news. Dylan has always had a problem with his back right leg...ever since he was a puppy. I had it looked at numerous times and his vet never found anything and said that it might just be a bit weaker for various reasons but that we should not worry about it, as long as it didn't get worse and he wasn't ever in pain by it. Well, a week or so ago, he slipped on the wood floor and hurt it...although he didn't look in pain...he just walked with a few hops and was then back to normal. On Wednesday, he apparently jumped off the bed, hopped a little, but then just walked over to the couch without showing any sign of pain. Little Dilly is a trooper and must have been in a lot more pain than he was showing that day. When I got home, I'm sure it was at the point where the pain had escalated so much he couldn't even move. He had lost spatial recognition and as Dr. Kegge said, all these things were occurring because of his amount of pain. Yesterday nothing was determined but two diagnoses have been given. Dylan's x-ray shows signs associated with Aseptic Femoral Head Necrosis (AFHN). AFHN is a progressive deterioration and collapse of the femoral head, although the cause is unknown. AFHN causes the bone to die overtime, and the continued use and weight of the pet on the joint causes the area to deteriorate and eventually the femoral head collapses and osteoarthritis ensues. So, that's what it might be...although he doesn't show many of the signs. It also might be just an old fracture that healed incorrectly. Dr.Kegge and the orthopedic surgeons at the AMC think that bedrest will help heal our Dylan, but if it gets worse overtime, he will require surgery. But, you know what...I have time to research this and I still have my Dilly, and that is all that matters. We can get insurance, save for the surgery and make sure we can get him to the best orthopedic surgeon there is in this city. But, he may not even need that and only time will tell. Dylan is on strict bedrest for the next 2 weeks...and then still no jumping on furniture, walking up stairs on anything for the next 2 months. He is also on Rimadyl right now for the pain. After 5 days he will go off of the pain medication and will hopefully have no pain. Everything will be just fine, and I am eternally thankful for our little Dylan and his health. I can't describe what it's like to love someone so much, but the love I have for my dogs is just ridiculous. My family means the world to me, and to have Dylan still here makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world. I went to hell and back over the past two days. The doctor Wednesday night provided me with LITTLE hope...and alluded numerous times that he might not make it, over and over again. I am just so so so thankful.
To everyone that helped us pay for these bills, I can't even explain how thankful I am. We will be paying off all of the x-rays, bloodwork, ICU care, MRIs and monitoring for a long time, but you have all helped. All of the people who have emailed me, sent kind and inspiring words, left comments on the previous entry and have called or really made this so much easier. I don't know what I would have done without this blog as an outlet. When I felt completely hopeless and helpless Wednesday night, I found help by writing in my pug blog...the blog I've post all of the pictures of Riley and Dylan...the blog where I've communicated with so many other caring pug and dog owners over the past year and a half. Also, Dr. Kegge at the AMC was just wonderful and if you are ever in our situation in NYC, I strongly recommend her. She even wrote a note on the discharge instructions saying "Thank you for trusting us to take care of Dylan! He is a very sweet boy and I wish him a speedy and complete recovery!"
If anyone has any names of great orthopedic surgeons in the NYC or greater NY area...we will greatly accept them. We will be looking into getting a second opinion after Dylan starts feeling better at which point we will decide if he needs the surgery or not. Also, we will be looking into seeing another neurologist, just to confirm that neurologically, he is perfect.
I can't thank you all enough...for everything. My friends who reposted this story, the pug bloggers and dog bloggers who contributed their inspiring stories and love, the friends of friends, everyone. Especially my mom. Wednesday night was probably really tough for her...but she was strong and just kept on telling me to remain positive and not think about it being PDE...because we just didn't know yet. She stayed on the phone with me throughout the night, even jumping out of the shower to just calm me down after one of the many sporadic breakdowns I had that night. It really touched me how many people helped out. I hope that I can all help you when you need it. So thank you SO MUCH for everything...I got so emotional with every single note we received wishing us good luck. I will never forget the kindness that everyone provided us with.
And now, I'm ending this really long (sorry) update with a picture of me and my little man, taken very late last can clearly see how exhausted we both are.

Oh wait, someone's not too exhausted...
To update you all on Dylan his spirits are GREAT...he's doing very very well. When the discharge attendant gave us his meds and instructions, he followed his last instruction with "Alright, I'll go get you guys your little Dylan." I started tearing up out of excitement to just see him. About a minute later, there he came, being carried by the attending veterinarian with a little green leash around his waist and a bandage on his front arm from where they had pulled out the catheter. I had assumed that Dylan would probably be very groggy and still sedated when we picked him I shouldn't expect his Dilly spirit to be back in full effect. I prepared for a very groggy puppy. But then, here came Dylan, with that little green leash and when he saw us...well, so much for being groggy. The little guy acted like he hadn't seen us in YEARS...he started crying, screaming out of excitement, and wiggling out of control for his Mommy. The vet said I could put him on the floor...and he was able to put weight on all four legs...he was smiling, panting and licking us as if we were the most delicious dog food there is. He was so so so happy. He was very hyper and seemed to be fine, but I'm sure the pain medication was helping him walk. We walked out of that AMC carrying him, he was just too excited to go into that Sherpa bag. We got a cab and headed home. Dylan was like a crazy little man in that cab...he's always been a licker, but he was doing whatever it took to lick my face. He was truly embracing us, and it really seemed like he hadn't seen us in years.
I got home and I made up the kitchen for the little guy. His leg got a little worse as we got home, as I'm assuming the pain medication was wearing off...but his spirits were strong...very strong. I put him in the kitchen and let him have a reunion with his brother...quite amazing to see! Then he walked around the kitchen, looked up at me and just started peeing...all over the kitchen floor. Poor little guy, it was like he hadn't gone at all over the past day. But, I told him it was okay...I could tell he felt so guilty as he looked up at me while letting it all out. I ended up making a bed in there so I could lay with him. My little family is back together again!
Last night I took apart my bed, because for the next 3 weeks Dylan cannot walk up a stair, jump, play with his brother, or run. I had stairs that Dilly used to use to jump up our bed, but the bed had to go. I threw out my box spring, frame, headboard and just put the mattress on the floor as it will stay. I surrounded my mattress with extra quilts...because even though it's only a foot off the bed, I don't want Dylan to have to jump up at all...the blankets provide a little ramp so he can just walk up on the bed.
Now, the not so great news...but not horrible news. Dylan has always had a problem with his back right leg...ever since he was a puppy. I had it looked at numerous times and his vet never found anything and said that it might just be a bit weaker for various reasons but that we should not worry about it, as long as it didn't get worse and he wasn't ever in pain by it. Well, a week or so ago, he slipped on the wood floor and hurt it...although he didn't look in pain...he just walked with a few hops and was then back to normal. On Wednesday, he apparently jumped off the bed, hopped a little, but then just walked over to the couch without showing any sign of pain. Little Dilly is a trooper and must have been in a lot more pain than he was showing that day. When I got home, I'm sure it was at the point where the pain had escalated so much he couldn't even move. He had lost spatial recognition and as Dr. Kegge said, all these things were occurring because of his amount of pain. Yesterday nothing was determined but two diagnoses have been given. Dylan's x-ray shows signs associated with Aseptic Femoral Head Necrosis (AFHN). AFHN is a progressive deterioration and collapse of the femoral head, although the cause is unknown. AFHN causes the bone to die overtime, and the continued use and weight of the pet on the joint causes the area to deteriorate and eventually the femoral head collapses and osteoarthritis ensues. So, that's what it might be...although he doesn't show many of the signs. It also might be just an old fracture that healed incorrectly. Dr.Kegge and the orthopedic surgeons at the AMC think that bedrest will help heal our Dylan, but if it gets worse overtime, he will require surgery. But, you know what...I have time to research this and I still have my Dilly, and that is all that matters. We can get insurance, save for the surgery and make sure we can get him to the best orthopedic surgeon there is in this city. But, he may not even need that and only time will tell. Dylan is on strict bedrest for the next 2 weeks...and then still no jumping on furniture, walking up stairs on anything for the next 2 months. He is also on Rimadyl right now for the pain. After 5 days he will go off of the pain medication and will hopefully have no pain. Everything will be just fine, and I am eternally thankful for our little Dylan and his health. I can't describe what it's like to love someone so much, but the love I have for my dogs is just ridiculous. My family means the world to me, and to have Dylan still here makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world. I went to hell and back over the past two days. The doctor Wednesday night provided me with LITTLE hope...and alluded numerous times that he might not make it, over and over again. I am just so so so thankful.
To everyone that helped us pay for these bills, I can't even explain how thankful I am. We will be paying off all of the x-rays, bloodwork, ICU care, MRIs and monitoring for a long time, but you have all helped. All of the people who have emailed me, sent kind and inspiring words, left comments on the previous entry and have called or really made this so much easier. I don't know what I would have done without this blog as an outlet. When I felt completely hopeless and helpless Wednesday night, I found help by writing in my pug blog...the blog I've post all of the pictures of Riley and Dylan...the blog where I've communicated with so many other caring pug and dog owners over the past year and a half. Also, Dr. Kegge at the AMC was just wonderful and if you are ever in our situation in NYC, I strongly recommend her. She even wrote a note on the discharge instructions saying "Thank you for trusting us to take care of Dylan! He is a very sweet boy and I wish him a speedy and complete recovery!"
If anyone has any names of great orthopedic surgeons in the NYC or greater NY area...we will greatly accept them. We will be looking into getting a second opinion after Dylan starts feeling better at which point we will decide if he needs the surgery or not. Also, we will be looking into seeing another neurologist, just to confirm that neurologically, he is perfect.
I can't thank you all enough...for everything. My friends who reposted this story, the pug bloggers and dog bloggers who contributed their inspiring stories and love, the friends of friends, everyone. Especially my mom. Wednesday night was probably really tough for her...but she was strong and just kept on telling me to remain positive and not think about it being PDE...because we just didn't know yet. She stayed on the phone with me throughout the night, even jumping out of the shower to just calm me down after one of the many sporadic breakdowns I had that night. It really touched me how many people helped out. I hope that I can all help you when you need it. So thank you SO MUCH for everything...I got so emotional with every single note we received wishing us good luck. I will never forget the kindness that everyone provided us with.
And now, I'm ending this really long (sorry) update with a picture of me and my little man, taken very late last can clearly see how exhausted we both are.

Oh wait, someone's not too exhausted...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I can't put into words or even think of an appropriate subject for this entry. But, if you're a pug owner, a pug fan, or even a random reader of this blog please stick with me and read this.
Today, I got off work early and was able to run home for a half hour before going to my night job. I was so happy to get off early because that meant one thing...getting to go see my dogs for a few minutes. So, with the extra hour I had, I headed from NYC to Brooklyn to go spend just a few minutes with Riley and Dylan. As I got home, I opened the door and realized only Riley was there to greet me...this was a first. I proceeded in and started talking to my boyfriend as he was sitting on the couch with Dylan who was just waking up from a nap at his feet. I said to Dylan (aka Dilly) in my best pug voice, "who wants dinnnnnner?"...he didn't flinch. At that moment, I knew something was wrong. Apparently an hour before he had jumped up on the couch to take a nap, but had acted completely normal prior. Even this morning as I woke up, both Riley and Dylan sprinted out of bed, circled on the floor and started talking in pug noises because they knew it was their favorite part of the day, breakfast. I fed them, walked them, played with them, and watched them both get back in bed...a normal morning. So, coming home to this was a huge surprise. We assumed Dilly hurt his legs (which have been trouble before) and possibly even broke his back leg...but we weren't sure. Dylan still ate his dinner...but couldn't keep his balance and kept on wobbling...almost in an inebriated state. We immediately called a car and headed for the hospital. In the car on the way there I just held him so tight. To be honest, the worst scenario my mind developed was that he had broken a leg and would have to hobble around in a little cast for a while.
We got to the NYC Bobst Animal Medical Center and rushed Dylan into the Emergency Room. We met with a doctor, who said that it could be a disk problem (no signs of broken bones) and that she was going to run some tests...both physical, and neurological. I went outside to call my mom and dad...both of whom are in LOVE with their any proud grandpugparents would be. They told me to stay positive and just wait to see what the doctor said. So, back in I the 2nd floor, to sit and just anxiously await the doctor's return. She came back and called us into a room...where we got the horrible news, the worst news we've ever received with one of them...the worst news I've ever received. She told us she's not sure but it appeared that Dylan has an inflammatory infection...perhaps in his spine, spreading to his brain. This was determined from basic neurological tests...but as she reiterated, she was not sure what exactly was wrong. She said we needed to admit him to the ICU for the night where they could perform blood work and transfer him to the neurologist in the morning. And she kept on giving us bad news...and as she kept on mentioning, she was not certain about anything. But, she did seem pretty certain from the neurological tests that there was a possible inflammatory infection in his spine or potentially in his brain. Now THIS, we were not expecting THIS. We both broke down in that room, room #4, and I can't even explain what was going through me. My hands were shaking, tears were flowing and I could feel my heart in my chest. This was the last thing I expected to hear. Dylan and Riley both had checkups two months prior...perfect, or so we were told. I'm too distraught to go into this much more, but I will over the next few days as we find out more information...because it does seem to help.
So now, we are home...which isn't even home without our little baby Dylan. 2 years as of since September 4th...he's way too young. He's being monitored at one of the best hospitals in NYC and I guess all we can do is pray.
In the past few months I've lost my job, become unemployed, scrambled to pay the rent and become frustrated with New York City. But, none of that compares to this...not one bit. Dylan is my baby. He is my little shadow...he always has been. He sits next to me when I brush my teeth, sits outside the shower door as I shower, sits at my feet as I do the dishes and every single night he falls asleep on my right shoulder. I don't know what it's like to have kids...but, I do know what it's like to care so much about someone, you put them before matter what. I mean, really, my dog's food is $3 a can...only the best for my boys. I'm 23, my boyfriend is 26, and together we've put everything into raising these 2 dogs. Unfortunately, I don't make much money and the fact that I've had no source of income for the past month, doesn't make it any easier. Tonight cost us $4,000...which I'm sure we will be paying off for a while. But if little Dylan makes it and can get this surgery without suffering too much, it will cost us more. And call me crazy, but IF he will not be in too much pain, I will do whatever it takes to save him. So, I'm calling on fellow pug owners, general bloggers and friends to help out. I know it's the holidays and everyone is on a budget...but please, if you can help us out it would be GREATLY appreciated. I have a paypal account that we will be using to accept donations. And please believe me when I say, every single penny will go to saving Dylan. If you can't donate, please just whatever or whoever you believe in. If you live in NYC, we will be putting together a benefit for Dylan...if he can pull through without pain and make it. The PayPal donate button is below. I will update this blog, with any news we hear. Please say a prayer for our little Dylan.

UPDATE: 10:54 am, Thursday: We got some great news just now...the neurologist has ruled out neurological damage as a concern. I didn't want to write about this, but there is a common fatal disease found in pugs called PDE, that affects the brain and spine of pugs and can come on immediately. Last night, I was trying to remain optimistic, but couldn't help keep on thinking that this is what had happened to my baby, that he had fallen to this terrible disease. SO, getting the news that it is not PDE, is AMAZING! He's not in the clear yet, in the next few hours we will get a call from the orthopedic surgeon who will be attempting to find out what exactly is wrong with his leg. He's still having a hard time standing straight and the pain has localized to his back right leg. We will update when we hear. The veterinarian said he might even get to come home this afternoon! :) Thank you everyone for your strong and positive thoughts...I truly believe they are helping our little Dylan.
UPDATE: 2:50 pm, Thursday: We haven't heard from the orthopedic surgeon yet, but as we were told yesterday, no news is good news. Bringing home Dylan right now might be too much of an optimistic thought...but, we're hanging in there and hoping for the best. Your comments have honestly got me through this very tiring and scary past 16 hours.
UPDATE: 11:30 am, Friday: Dylan is home, the new entry details everything and how our little man is doing.
Today, I got off work early and was able to run home for a half hour before going to my night job. I was so happy to get off early because that meant one thing...getting to go see my dogs for a few minutes. So, with the extra hour I had, I headed from NYC to Brooklyn to go spend just a few minutes with Riley and Dylan. As I got home, I opened the door and realized only Riley was there to greet me...this was a first. I proceeded in and started talking to my boyfriend as he was sitting on the couch with Dylan who was just waking up from a nap at his feet. I said to Dylan (aka Dilly) in my best pug voice, "who wants dinnnnnner?"...he didn't flinch. At that moment, I knew something was wrong. Apparently an hour before he had jumped up on the couch to take a nap, but had acted completely normal prior. Even this morning as I woke up, both Riley and Dylan sprinted out of bed, circled on the floor and started talking in pug noises because they knew it was their favorite part of the day, breakfast. I fed them, walked them, played with them, and watched them both get back in bed...a normal morning. So, coming home to this was a huge surprise. We assumed Dilly hurt his legs (which have been trouble before) and possibly even broke his back leg...but we weren't sure. Dylan still ate his dinner...but couldn't keep his balance and kept on wobbling...almost in an inebriated state. We immediately called a car and headed for the hospital. In the car on the way there I just held him so tight. To be honest, the worst scenario my mind developed was that he had broken a leg and would have to hobble around in a little cast for a while.
We got to the NYC Bobst Animal Medical Center and rushed Dylan into the Emergency Room. We met with a doctor, who said that it could be a disk problem (no signs of broken bones) and that she was going to run some tests...both physical, and neurological. I went outside to call my mom and dad...both of whom are in LOVE with their any proud grandpugparents would be. They told me to stay positive and just wait to see what the doctor said. So, back in I the 2nd floor, to sit and just anxiously await the doctor's return. She came back and called us into a room...where we got the horrible news, the worst news we've ever received with one of them...the worst news I've ever received. She told us she's not sure but it appeared that Dylan has an inflammatory infection...perhaps in his spine, spreading to his brain. This was determined from basic neurological tests...but as she reiterated, she was not sure what exactly was wrong. She said we needed to admit him to the ICU for the night where they could perform blood work and transfer him to the neurologist in the morning. And she kept on giving us bad news...and as she kept on mentioning, she was not certain about anything. But, she did seem pretty certain from the neurological tests that there was a possible inflammatory infection in his spine or potentially in his brain. Now THIS, we were not expecting THIS. We both broke down in that room, room #4, and I can't even explain what was going through me. My hands were shaking, tears were flowing and I could feel my heart in my chest. This was the last thing I expected to hear. Dylan and Riley both had checkups two months prior...perfect, or so we were told. I'm too distraught to go into this much more, but I will over the next few days as we find out more information...because it does seem to help.
So now, we are home...which isn't even home without our little baby Dylan. 2 years as of since September 4th...he's way too young. He's being monitored at one of the best hospitals in NYC and I guess all we can do is pray.
In the past few months I've lost my job, become unemployed, scrambled to pay the rent and become frustrated with New York City. But, none of that compares to this...not one bit. Dylan is my baby. He is my little shadow...he always has been. He sits next to me when I brush my teeth, sits outside the shower door as I shower, sits at my feet as I do the dishes and every single night he falls asleep on my right shoulder. I don't know what it's like to have kids...but, I do know what it's like to care so much about someone, you put them before matter what. I mean, really, my dog's food is $3 a can...only the best for my boys. I'm 23, my boyfriend is 26, and together we've put everything into raising these 2 dogs. Unfortunately, I don't make much money and the fact that I've had no source of income for the past month, doesn't make it any easier. Tonight cost us $4,000...which I'm sure we will be paying off for a while. But if little Dylan makes it and can get this surgery without suffering too much, it will cost us more. And call me crazy, but IF he will not be in too much pain, I will do whatever it takes to save him. So, I'm calling on fellow pug owners, general bloggers and friends to help out. I know it's the holidays and everyone is on a budget...but please, if you can help us out it would be GREATLY appreciated. I have a paypal account that we will be using to accept donations. And please believe me when I say, every single penny will go to saving Dylan. If you can't donate, please just whatever or whoever you believe in. If you live in NYC, we will be putting together a benefit for Dylan...if he can pull through without pain and make it. The PayPal donate button is below. I will update this blog, with any news we hear. Please say a prayer for our little Dylan.
UPDATE: 10:54 am, Thursday: We got some great news just now...the neurologist has ruled out neurological damage as a concern. I didn't want to write about this, but there is a common fatal disease found in pugs called PDE, that affects the brain and spine of pugs and can come on immediately. Last night, I was trying to remain optimistic, but couldn't help keep on thinking that this is what had happened to my baby, that he had fallen to this terrible disease. SO, getting the news that it is not PDE, is AMAZING! He's not in the clear yet, in the next few hours we will get a call from the orthopedic surgeon who will be attempting to find out what exactly is wrong with his leg. He's still having a hard time standing straight and the pain has localized to his back right leg. We will update when we hear. The veterinarian said he might even get to come home this afternoon! :) Thank you everyone for your strong and positive thoughts...I truly believe they are helping our little Dylan.
UPDATE: 2:50 pm, Thursday: We haven't heard from the orthopedic surgeon yet, but as we were told yesterday, no news is good news. Bringing home Dylan right now might be too much of an optimistic thought...but, we're hanging in there and hoping for the best. Your comments have honestly got me through this very tiring and scary past 16 hours.
UPDATE: 11:30 am, Friday: Dylan is home, the new entry details everything and how our little man is doing.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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