Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Swimming


Unknown said...

ha ha ha. I love how in the last video they are both raising the same paw, looking like they are stuck in some kind of terrible pug-jello-mold gone wrong. How silly!

Clover said...

OMG cutest videos! I love how they move their paws in a swimming motion while you hold them above the water - LOL!
Congrats on your grad and new job!!

Nevis said...

OMG! TOO cute! I love how they're standing their like flamingos...almost like they don't want to get their paws wet.

Olive the Pug said...

Get out!!!! This is hilarious! I might steal it for Olive's blog...

Archie and Melissa said...

OH My Goodness!
Your pool pawty videos totally made my day! the sychronized swimming and doggie paddles in mid air are hilarious!!!
m & e